카카오톡 상담 ID : Gcentre, Tel : 070 7010 3153, 이메일 : info@Gcentre.net
G센터는 전세계 주요 대학 컨설팅 및 어드미션 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다. 학교에 대한 정보는 아래의 학교 홈페이지, 구글, 페이스북, 유튜브 등의 링크를 통해 더욱 자세하게 나와 있으니 참고하시기 바랍니다.
Lincoln University
링컨대학교 (뉴질랜드)(Lincoln
University, 마오리어: Te Whare Wanaka o Aoraki)는 뉴질랜드 남섬 크라이스트처치 교외 셀윈 구 링컨
타운에 소재하는 대학이다. 남반구에서 가장 오래된 농업학교이고, 농업, 축산학과, 원예학과가 있다.
대학 내에는 4개의 부문에서 연구와 교육이 이루어지고있다. 각 부문 학사과정부터 박사과정까지를 담당한다. 농업, 축산, 바이오 산업에 많은 인재를 배출하고 있다. 농업학교로의 건학의 역사에서 흙과 종자, 비료와 전염병 연구뿐만
아니라 생명공학 연구가 활발히 이루어지고 있다.
모든 학과에 소규모 강의, 실습실을 제공한다. 와인 양조와 뉴질랜드의 고등교육 기관에서 유일한 링컨 대학에 설치된 와인 산업에 많은 인재를 배출하고 있다. 대학 시설 외에 농업 시험장, 포도밭, 포도주 양조장, 상업용 농지를 뉴질랜드 각지에 보유하고 있다. 대학의 많은 강의는 보통 강의 외에 실습 강의가 필수과목으로 되어있기 때문에,
이 대학에서 학위 취득 희망자는 일반 강의뿐 아니라 실습 강의 이수도 필요하다. 실습강의
이수는 대학 방학을 이용하여 이수한다.
About Lincoln University
Lincoln University is New Zealand’s
specialist land-based university and for more than 135 years, Lincoln has
focused on improving New Zealand’s land-based knowledge, wealth and
Our Mission
The University has a mission to help: feed
the world, protect the future, and live well.
It is predicted that by 2050 the world's
population will reach 9.2 billion people: this will create challenges that need
As the population grows, food supply and
production will become key. So will sustaining the environment for future
generations. As these two, potentially conflicting concepts become increasingly
pressing – we will also want to be living well on our planet.
Lincoln University is a uniquely and
deliberately specialised university finding solutions for these challenges. The
University has a mission to help: feed the world, protect the future, and live
To achieve this mission, Lincoln is
positioned to work alongside industry, the community, and people from around
the globe.
The University's qualifications and research covers
agriculture, sciences, conservation and ecology, commerce, environmental
management, tourism, agribusiness, sport and recreation, property management,
and landscape architecture, to meet the needs of not only New Zealand but also
the world.
Lincoln students come from all over New
Zealand and from roughly 60 countries around the world. Once studies are
completed, Lincoln graduates can be found around the globe making a difference.
Entry Requirement
University Entrance (UE) through NCEA
This is New Zealand's University Entrance qualification. A university entrance
qualification is achieved by obtaining:
NCEA level 3 (i.e. a minimum of 60 credits
at level 3 or above plus 20 credits at level 2 or above); and
A minimum of 14 credits at level 3 or
higher in each of three approved subjects; and
Literacy – 5 reading credits and 5 writing
credits at Level 2 or higher from standards on the NZQA list of university
entrance literacy standards; and
Numeracy – 10 credits from standards on the
NZQA list of numeracy standards, or all three of the following unit standards:
26623, 26626, 26627.
For detailed information about the approved
subject list and the university entrance literacy and numeracy requirements go
to the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) website.
Earlier Qualifications
University Entrance through NCEA prior to
University Entrance through New Zealand
University Entrance, Bursaries and Scholarships (NZUEBS) examination prior to
New Zealand University Entrance accredited
or passed by examination prior to 1986.
Special Admission
Any New Zealand citizen or Permanent Resident who will be 20 years of age on or
before the first day of the semester in which they wish to begin their
programme may be granted Special Admission. You will be required to submit
a CV and personal statement outlining the reason why you want to take this
programme and how it will assist you to reach your career goals. You may
also be required to attend an interview.
Program Lists
Agribusiness and Food Marketing
Agricultural Science
Environment and Society
Environmental Management and Planning
Environmental Policy and Planning
Land and Property Management
Landscape Architecture
Sport and Recreation Management
Tourism Management
Viticulture and Oenology