글로벌유학컨설팅, 마이유학
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University of North Texas



1890년에 설립된 노스텍사스대학교는 텍사스 주 덴튼(Denton)에 위치하고 있으며 학사(Undergraduate) 및 석사(Graduate), 박사(Doctoral) 학위를 위한 과정을 제공하고 있다. 2013 US Report 기준, 노스텍사스대학교는 경영학(Business, management, marketing, related support services, 19%), Multi/interdisciplinary studies(15%), 사회과학(Social science, 9%), 예술(Visual and performing arts, 8%), 심리학(Psychology, 6%) 전공자 순으로 졸업생을 배출하고 있다.

International Student의 경우, 토플 IBT 79점 또는 IELTS 6.5 이상을 공인 영어 점수 기준으로 두고 있으며, SAT/ACT 점수 상위권 지원자에 한해 Guaranteed admission 제도를 운영하고 있다


[About University of North Texas]

The UNT state of mind means a lot of things. Creativity, personality, academic excellence, leadership, friendship, athletics, community and the tools to build a successful career — to name a few. We’re steeped in tradition and bubbling with creativity. Join us and discover why UNT is the choice of 36,000 students.

Being part of the Mean Green family means you have the freedom to soar and the comfort of home. It means an education that is both exceptional in quality and exceptionally affordable. It means living in a city known for its community of creative thinkers, artists and entrepreneurs. And it means you’ll always have a home away from home.


[Entry Requirements]

You are guaranteed admission to UNT if you:

-       Rank in the top 10% of your high school class and submit SAT or ACT scores

-       Rank in the next 15% and have a minimum 950 SAT (combined Critical Reading/Verbal + Math) or 20 ACT

-       Rank in the 2nd quarter and have a minimum 1050 SAT (combined Critical Reading/Verbal + Math) or 23 ACT

-       Rank in the 3rd quarter and have a minimum 1180 SAT (combined Critical Reading/Verbal + Math) or 26 ACT

Are a registered participant in UNT's Eagle Advantage program

For internationals: 
1. Complete Level 6 at UNT's Intensive English Language Institute (IELI): 
2. Complete a Qualifying Academic Program
3. Achieve a Qualifying Score on an English Language Proficiency Test Accepted by UNT:
IBT 79, IELTS 6.5
4. Complete Qualifying Courses, Degrees or Diplomas:



[Program List]
Undergraduate Majors by College or School

College of Arts and Sciences

College of Business

College of Education

College of Engineering

Honors College

College of Information

Frank W. and Sue Mayborn School of Journalism

College of Merchandising, Hospitality and Tourism

College of Music

College of Public Affairs and Community Service

College of Visual Arts and Design




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