글로벌유학컨설팅, 마이유학
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케이프 타운은 아프리카의 유럽이라고 할 수 있습니다. 아프리카에 있는 유럽 도시이지요. 아주 저렴한 사파리 투어, 와인 투어, 다양한 바다 놀이 등등 휴양하며 영어도 배울 수 있고 또 아프리카에 대한 깊은 이해를 할 수 있는 곳입니다. EC 전세계 센터들이 그렇듯이  케이프 타운 센터에 위치한 ec케이프 타운은 많은 유럽 학생들이 공부하고 있습니다. 한국 학생들의 경우 케이프타운에서 장기간 있을 수도 있고 또 영국이나 몰타로 연계연수를 갈 수도 있습니다. 

EC Cape Town

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EC Cape Town, established in 2002, is an English language school located in a modern building in the heart of the city centre. Cafés, restaurants and shops are all close by. Many of our classrooms have views of Table Mountain. Our ground-floor café is newly refurbished and there's subsidised gym membership available too.

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Improving your English starts here.

Attend a course with us and we guarantee your English will improve. All our courses are high-quality and are taught by qualified and friendly teachers. Find the course that is best for you.

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Choose EC for Guaranteed Success

If you do not progress at the rate we expect, we will provide you with support, additional lessons and all the help you need to reach your target level at no extra charge. Your end of the deal is to show us full commitment by attending all your lessons and completing all your assigned work.

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Origins of EC

EC Malta was established in 1991 as EC’s first and only school. This small school quickly gained a wonderful reputation and became one of the leading English language schools in Malta. Fast-forwarding to today you can see where this reputation has taken us. EC now has 17 schools in five countries on three continents. This year EC’s 700-plus staff will help over 40,000 students from over 140 countries to learn and improve their English language skills. Take a look at our school locations.

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What Makes EC Special

You will only find EC schools in English-speaking countries and only in the top locations. Our schools are always in the most prestigious and central areas of the city. Choose any EC school and you will be impressed by the facilities the school has to offer. We heavily invest in keeping our schools modern and comfortable for you. We know you will learn better when you are relaxed and in a good environment.

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From innovating Club 50+ to Freestyle English programmes, we’re always looking at introducing new courses and improving the service we offer. We listen to our students and appreciate the feedback they give us. This allows us to establish new English courses as the needs of today’s English learners change. Maybe that’s why 97% of 40,000 EC students would recommend EC to a friend!

In our world-wide centres we have accumulated a combined total of over 150 years of English language teaching experience and each new EC school helps us to enrich ourselves, making us more diverse and adding to our strengths as a whole.

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For your admission and consulting 

enrol@Gcentre.net | Kakao talk & Line ID : Gcentre