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    카카오톡 상담 ID : Gcentre, Tel : 070 7010 3153, 이메일 : info@Gcentre.net

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영국 대학교의 대부분은 유카스를 통해서 지원서를 접수합니다. 즉 유카스에 어떻게 지원하는 지, 어떤 서류들을 준비해야 하는 지를 잘 이해하면 혼자서도 거뜬히 영국 대학에 입학 지원을 할 수 있습니다. 혼자서 영국 대학에 원서 접수를 하기 위해서는 유카스 홈페이지를 자세히 살펴 볼 필요가 있습니다. 


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The Universities and Colleges Admissions Service is a UK-based charity whose main role is providing the application process for almost all British universities.

Some of UCAS' services include several online application portals, a number of search tools, and free information and advice aimed at a number of key audiences, such as students considering higher education, students with pending applications to higher education institutes, parents and legal guardians of applicants and pre-applicants, school and Further Education college staff involved in helping students apply, and providers of higher education (universities and HE colleges).

While UCAS is renowned for its undergraduate application service (the main UCAS scheme), it also operates a number of other admissions services:

  • CUKAS (Conservatoires UK Admissions Service) – for performing arts at a UK conservatoire
  • UTT (UCAS Teacher Training) – for postgraduate teacher training schemes
  • UKPASS (UK Postgraduate Application and Statistical Service) – for some postgraduate courses
  • UCAS Progress – for post-16 education and training

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