글로벌유학컨설팅, 마이유학
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Lomonosov Moscow State University


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모스크바 국립 대학교(러시아어: Московский Государственный Университет, МГУ, 엠게우) 러시아 모스크바에 위치한 대학교이다. 최초 본 대학교는 붉은 광장 역사 박물관 자리에 위치했으며, 3개 학부(철학, 법학, 의학)로 출발하였다. 당시 학생은 귀족과 평민 출신 지식인으로 구성되었고, 학교에 관한 모든 사항은 교수회의에서 결정되었다. 1917 10월 혁명 이후 국립대학교로 지정되었다. 1948년 구 소련 정부는 레닌 언덕에 대학 건물을 새로 세우기로 결정하였으며, 1953년 본관 완공에 이어 1970년 제1인문관, 1978년에 제2인문관 건물이 차례로 완성되었다. 이로써 현재 본 대학교는 구관과 신관으로 나뉘어 있다.

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1755년 러시아의 대학자 미하일 로마노소프(Михаил Ломоносов)에 의해서 설립된 이래, 250년의 역사를 자랑하는 세계적인종합 대학교이다. 모스크바 대학교는 다양한 학부(기계-수학, 인공두뇌-계량수학, 물리, 화학, 생물, 토양, 지질, 지리, 의학, 역사, 어문, 외국어, 철학, 사회, 심리, 경제, , 신문방송, 아시아-아프리카 등), 8개 연구소(공학, 핵물리, 소입자, 물리학, 천문, 계량, 생물, 인류, 세계 문명)로 구성되어 있다. 모스크바 대학교는 위대한 과학자와 수학자를 많이 배출했다노벨상 수상자 11필즈상 수상자를 7명 배출했다.


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About Lomonosov Moscow State University

Moscow State University was established in 1755

More than 40 000 students (graduate and postgraduate) and about 7 000 undergraduates study at the university, and over 5 000 specialists do the refresher course here. More than 6 000 professors and lecturers, and about 5 000 researchers work for the faculties and research institutes.

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Every year Moscow University enrolls about 4 000 international students and postgraduates from all over the world.

Moscow University campus is an extremely complex system, with its 1 000 000 m2 floor area in 1 000 buildings and structures, with its 8 dormitories housing over 12 000 students and 300 km of utility lines.

MSU library system is one of the largest in Russia, with its 9,000,000 books, 2,000,000 of them in foreign languages, and the average number of readers 55,000, using 5,500,000 books a year.



Entry Requirement

Academic documents, equivalent to the academic documents of Russian Federation, with the academic degree, the full list of learned subjects and full list of marks, with a notarized translation into Russian:

For Bachelor studies (BSc/BA): school-leaving certificate

For Master studies (MSc/MA): Bachelor’s or Specialist’s degree-certificate

For Post-graduate studies (Candidate’s degree): Master’s or Specialist’s certificate

(Academic documents should be legalized. You can get the information about the procedure of legalization in the Russian embassy in the country where academic documents were issued or on the following website: 

Transcript (the document showing the list of the subjects with results) with a notarized translation into Russian; 

Evidence of equivalence of the education certificate which was got outside the Russian Federation;

Medical certificate confirming that you haven’t got contra-indications for study in the Russian Federation and at the faculty you are applying to;

The AIDS test result confirming that you haven’t got AIDS, valid on the territory of Russian Federation;

Passport with visa and migration card;

Six 3x4 cm photographs.


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Program Lists

Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics

Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics

Faculty of Physics

Faculty of Chemistry

Faculty of Materials Science

Faculty of Biology

Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics

Faculty of Soil Science

Faculty of Geology

Faculty of Geography

Faculty of Fundamental Medicine

Faculty of Fundamental Physical and Chemical Engineering

Faculty of History

Faculty of Philology

Faculty of Philosophy

Faculty of Economics

Faculty of Law

Faculty of Journalism

Faculty of Psychology

The Institute of Asian and African Studies

Faculty of Sociology

Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies

Faculty of Public Administration

Faculty of World Politics

Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts

Faculty of Global Processes

Faculty of Educational Studies

Faculty of Political Science

School of Business Administration

Moscow School of Economics

Graduate School of Public Administration

School of State Audit

School of Translation and Interpretation

Graduate School of Management and Innovation

Graduate School of Innovative Business

School of Contemporary Social Sciences

School of Television

Faculty of Further Education

Higher School of Policy in Culture and Management in the Sphere of Humanities

Preparatory School


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