글로벌유학컨설팅, 마이유학
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University of Malta

몰타 유일의 종합대학입니다. G센터는 한국의 세종대 등과 함께 몰타 대학으로의 학점 프로그램을 진행하고 있으며 학생들의 몰타 대학 진학 어플라이 서비스를 진행하고 있습니다. 몰타 대학 진학을 위해서 학제의 차이로 인하여 한국 학생은 일반 영국 및 영연방 국가들의 진학과 마찬가지로 한국에서 대학 1년 졸업 이상을 하였거나 고등학교 졸업생의 경우 파운데이션 1년 과정을 이수하는 것이 필요합니다.

학비 이외에 필요한 서류는 IELTS성적 6.0 이상, 학비, 성적표 등의 기본적인 서류입니다. 영어 성적이 부족하실 경우에는 몰타 현지에 와서 영어 연수를 진행하여 영어 성적을 취득한 후 진학 할 수 있습니다.

입학을 위해서는 영어성적이 필수적으로 필요합니다. 한국과 달리 영국, 몰타 등 영어권은 대부분 9월 학기가 시작입니다. 때문에 한국에서 12월에 마지막 학기를 마치고 2월에 졸업할 경우 여전히 영어를 준비 할 수 있는 시간이 있습니다. 일반적으로 한국에서 고등학교 및 대학 학기 마감인 12월 이후로 영어 및 입학 할 시간이 있습니다.

몰타어학연수 어학원 및 몰타 어학연수, IELTS 과정에 대해서 더 자세히 알아보기(클릭)


Tuition fees : http://www.um.edu.mt/finance/service/coursefees

The University of Malta traces its origins to the founding of the Collegium Melitense which was set up through direct papal intervention on 12 November 1592.

There are at present about 11,000 students, including 600 international students, following full-time or part-time degree and diploma courses, many of them run on the modular or credit system. The degree courses are designed to produce highly qualified professionals, with experience of research, who will play key roles in industry, commerce and public affairs in general. The University today has 14 faculties, a number of interdisciplinary centres and institutes, and a School of Performing Arts.



The University of Malta is the highest teaching institution in Malta. It is publicly funded and is open to all those who have the requisite qualifications. Over the past few years, the University has reviewed its structures in order to be in line with the Bologna Process and the European Higher Education Area. Conscious of its public role, the University strives to create courses which are relevant and timely in response to the needs of the country. The supreme governing bodies of the University are the Council and the Senate. 

There are some 11,000 students including over 600 international students from 80 different countries, following full-time or part-time degree and diploma courses, many of them run on the modular or credit system. The University regularly hosts a large number of Erasmus and other exchange students. A basic Foundation Studies Course enables international high school students who have completed their secondary or high school education overseas but who do not have the necessary entry requirements, to qualify for admission to an undergraduate degree course at the University of Malta.

The University is geared towards the infrastructural and industrial needs of the country so as to provide expertise in crucial fields. Well over 3,000 students graduate in various disciplines annually. The degree courses at the University are designed to produce highly qualified professionals, with experience of research, who will play key roles in industry, commerce and public affairs in general. There are a further 2,600 pre-tertiary students at the Junior College which is also managed by the University.


The Campuses

The main campus is situated at Msida. There are two other campuses. One is the Valletta campus which is housed in the Old University Building which dates back to the founding of the Collegium Melitense and incorporates the Aula Magna. The Valletta Campus also serves as a prestigious setting for the hosting of international conferences, seminars, short courses and summer schools. It is also the venue of the University's International Collaborative Masters Programme.

The other is the Gozo Campus on Malta’s sister-island, Gozo, where part-time evening degree and diploma courses in various areas of study are offered. This campus also provides a venue for short courses and seminars and it houses the Guesten Atmospheric Research Centre, within the Physics Department.

The Faculties, Institutes, Centres and School

The University today has fourteen faculties: Arts; Built Environment; Dental Surgery; Economics, Management & Accountancy; Education; Engineering; Health Sciences; Information & Communication Technology; Laws; Media & Knowledge Sciences; Medicine & Surgery; Science; Social Wellbeing and Theology.

A number of interdisciplinary institutes and centres have been set up in various fields. The institutes include Anglo-Italian Studies; Baroque Studies; Climate Change & Sustainable Development; Confucius; Digital Games; Earth Systems; the Edward de Bono Institute for the Design & Development of Thinking; European Studies; Islands & Small States; Linguistics; Maltese Studies; Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies; Mediterranean Institute;Physical Education & Sport; Public Administration & Management; Space Science & Astronomy; Sustainable Energy; Tourism, Travel & Culture.

The centres comprise: Centre for Biomedical Cybernetics; Centre for English-Language Proficiency; Centre for Entrepreneurship and Business Incubation; Centre for Environmental Education and Research; Centre for Labour Studies; Centre for Literacy; Centre for the Liberal Arts & Sciences; Centre for Molecular Medicine and Biobanking; Centre of Resilience & Socio-Emotional Health; Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Educational Research; Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Insular Coastal Dynamics; and the IOI - Malta Operational Centre.

The University of Malta has also set up a School of Performing Arts.

The public response to the University of the Third Age has been very encouraging with membership constantly on the increase and all activities being well attended.

Areas of Research

Researchers at the University of Malta conduct research in a variety of areas ranging from adaptive systems to seismic monitoring. As the only University in Malta, we have a special responsibility to study areas of an indigenous or national dimension, such as local marine and terrestrial fauna and flora, properties and conservation issues related to the Maltese globigerina limestone, Malta's rich history, indigenous disorders such as thalassaemia, Maltese linguistics, and the resilience and vulnerability of islands and small states. The University is also home to a number of leading research programmes, including digital games research, climate change, metamaterials, physical oceanography and maritime law. More about ongoing research at the University is available on the Research Website.

The University as a Member

The University of Malta is a member of the European University Association, the European Access Network, the Association of Commonwealth Universities, the Utrecht Network, the Santander Network, the Compostela Group, the European Association for University Lifelong Learning (EUCEN) and the International Student Exchange Programme (ISEP). Over the years, the University has participated in a number of EU Programmes and has won several projects in collaboration with various partner universities. University of Malta staff and students regularly participate in programmes such as Erasmus and Leonardo.

The University as a Partner

Links have been forged with the Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise & Industry and the Employment & Training Corporation in order to determine how the University, industry, business and the public sector can develop a mutually beneficial dialogue. Whilst acquainting potential employers with the knowledge and skills acquired by students at university, the University seeks to assess the needs of the various facets of the labour market in order to provide timely and relevant instruction.

The University of Malta Group of Companies

The Malta University Holding Company Ltd (MUHC) embodies the commercial interests of the University of Malta. The companies comprised in the Holding Company serve as the commercial interface between the University of Malta and the business community, brokering the resources and assets of the University to provide added value through commercial activity.

The Malta University Holding Company Ltd provides strategic direction and corporate support to the companies within the Group:
  • Malta University Branded Merchandise
  • Malta University Broadcasting
  • Malta University Consulting Services
  • Malta University Hospitality, Leisure & Sports
  • Malta University Labs Services
  • Malta University Language School (Msida Campus)
  • Malta University Publishing
  • Malta University Residence
  • Professional Development
  • The Kappara Hotel


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