글로벌유학컨설팅, 마이유학
  • 로그인 / 회원가입

Primary and Secondary Schools

  • 등록
  • 수정
  • 목록
  • 카테고리
    • Day school
    • Boarding School
    • Nursery School
    • Elementary School
    • Middle School
    • High School
    • GCSE
    • A-level
    • Primary
    • Secondary
  • 국가
  • 도시

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세인트 에드워즈 컬리지는 1929년 몰타 귀족과 영국 장교의 아이들을 위해 영국학교의 사상과 이상을 이어 만들어진 학교입니다.

유치원부터 대학진학과정을 통틀어 총 700여명의 학생들이 공부하고 있으며 몰타에서 가장 넓은 캠퍼스를 가지고 있습니다.  몰타의 여러 좋은 학교들 가운데에서도 몰타인들이 자신들의 아들을 가장 보내고 싶은 학교로 꼽는 곳입니다.

100년에 가까운 역사와 유서깊은 학교 건물, 자유롭되 엄격한 교풍 단정한 교복 등 몰타 최고의 사립학교로서의 모든 것을 갖추고 있습니다.

원칙적으로 남학생만 지원가능한 보이스쿨이나 유치원과 대학진학을 위한 식스폼과정에서는  여학생도 입학이 가능합니다.


                                                                        [세인트 에드워즈 컬리지 정문]

몰타의 수도 발레타에서 버스로 약 15분 거리의 Cottonera 에 위치하고 있으며

몰타의 다양한 지역으로 스쿨버스를 운행하고 있습니다.

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                                                                   [오전 스넥시간에 뛰어노는 학생들]

몰타에서는 가장 넓은 캠퍼스를 가지고 있고 남학교인만큼 넓은 운동장과 다양한 운동시설들을 갖추고 있습니다.

넓은 잔디와 다양한 놀이시설은 액티브한 남학생들에게 아주 인기만점입니다.

학교 건물은 총 4채로 이루어져 있으며 각기 다른 이름을 가지고 있습니다.

(역대 총장님들의 이름을 따서 지었다고 합니다.)
유치원부터 대학진학준비반과 기숙사까지 학교안에 모두 자리잡고 있습니다.

특히 유치원 건물은 단독건물과 단독 정원을 놀이터로 이용하고 있습니다.


전 연령대의 모든 교육과정을 제공하고 있습니다.

유치원 만 1~4세
Junior School (Years 1 to 7) 만 5세~9세
Middle School (Years 6 to 8) 만 10세~12세
Senior School (Years 9 to 11) 만 13세~15세
International Baccalaureate Sixth Form


G센터는 몰타의 명문 세인트 에드워즈 컬리지의 한국 전담 에이전시입니다.
학교 상담 및 수속진행을 세인트 에드워즈 어드민팀의 협조 아래 단독으로 진행해드리고 있습니다.
몰타 현지에서 직접 안내드리고 있으니 작은 문의라도 연락주시면 친절한 안내드리겠습니다.

몰타 현지 전용 번호 : 070 7136 5005
카톡 아이디 : Gcentre
문자 : 010 4100 3153


Our Academic Record

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This achievement is brought about by the dedication of all staff, who meet the challenges of the curriculum and employ their best knowledge and skills to cater for the needs of individual students in a mixed-ability environment.

The quality of teaching throughout the College is of an exceptionally high standard; from Year 1 in the Junior School to Year 13 in the Sixth Form. Teachers expect boys to produce their very best work. Less than this is unacceptable. This ethos is likened to a continuous thread running throughout the two main Sections at St Edward’s.  

Each subject has its own Head of Department who looks after the curriculum and the ensuing syllabus so that work is continually progressive forming a smooth and appropriate learning curve for our boys. Although the College is split into 4 sections - Junior, Middle, Senior & Sixth Form - work is totally coordinated from Year 1 to Year 13 by Heads of Department.  This approach enhances the smooth transition of boys moving up from one section to another.

Members of staff are chosen carefully and we employ only the best in the particular field.

Classroom visits, appraisals and discussions are held regularly in order to hone in on the academic quality we offer at St Edward's College.

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Evacuation Procedures


In the event of the necessity to evacuate one of the College's sections namely Main Building, Middle School, Junior School, Kindergarten and Hall, the following procedures have to be observed. Please note that the same evacuation procedures exist for all the sections. When one section of the College evacuates, ALL sections will follow.

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Main Building: There are three switches situated in the Main Building, one on each floor next to the staircase.

Middle & Senior School: There are two switches situated in the Middle School. One on each floor next to the staircase

Junior School: There are two switches situated in the Junior School. One on each floor next to the staircase

Kindergarten: KG1 Building - There is one switch situated in the corridor next to the yard.  KG2 / Nursery building: There is one switch situated on the ground floor between the Nursery classroom and the Activity Room.

Hall: There is one switch situated in the landing

When one of those switches is pressed to on position, siren/s of that particular building will go on. Once the siren/s of the building concerned is/are activated, staff/students of that building have to proceed to the relative Assembly Point. Teachers in the first evacuation zone (where the emergency first started) must designate a person to telephone/inform Bursar, Head of Sections, or Headmaster to notify of evacuation who will  then advise other sections. ALL other sirens are to be activated by senior or admin staff.

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In the cases of the Kindergarten and Junior School, the assembly area is located on the turfed lawn situated between the two schools clearly marked as ASSEMBLY POINT 1 and ASSEMBLY POINT 2 respectively.

The assembly area for Senior School students is located in the football ground between the chapel and the kindergarten play-area (the area with a concrete surface), clearly marked as ASSEMBLY POINT 3 and ASSEMBLY POINT 4.

In the case of Year 6 and Year 12 students / staff, these are to assemble in ASSEMBLY POINT 5 situated between the chapel and the kindergarten play-area (the area with a concrete surface).

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  1. If a teacher becomes aware of fire in the College during a lesson it will be his/her responsibility to alert the rest of the school by activating the nearest siren only after evacuating students in the immediate area. This same teacher should notify colleagues in neighbouring classes to start evacuating.  In the case of a small fire that can be extinguished, do so only after students have been evacuated and ONLY if it is safe to do so
  2. Students should be calmly asked to exit the classroom and WALK in orderly lines to the relative assembly point. At this point the persons-in-charge (teachers, librarian or First Aider) have to make sure that all the pupils are accounted for. Any students who have been given permission to use the toilets have to proceed to the assembly point and make the person-in-charge aware of his presence.
  4. Teachers:
    1. Take your Attendance Books with you.
    2. Check that all students are out of the classroom.
    3. Check that all exits are clear.
    4. Close classroom door. DO NOT LOCK.  (entry may be required later.
  5. In the case of the Junior School students as well as the Year 7 & 8 students, the lines have to be organised according to classes. Year 9s, 10s and 11s students will line-up according to their Houses. Once the students are in the assembly area, class teachers or House Tutors will take the roll-call and account for each child. The Headmaster's Secretary will provide up-to-date class lists with clearly marked absent pupils. Missing students have to be reported immediately to the person-in-charge who will organise a search.
  6. Students remain in orderly and silent lines until the siren/s have been switched off



Students WALK to the assigned place on the yard where they meet their House Tutors who have to take the roll-call.

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Teachers should be familiar with assembly areas and evacuation routes designated for particular classrooms or areas.

All School Personnel are to take part in Evacuation Drills

Parents, guests and community people on the grounds during a drill must also participate.

Adults are reminded that no talking is allowed.  Please be good role models for the students.


Evacuation Procedures


In the event of the necessity to evacuate one of the College's sections namely Main Building, Middle School, Junior School, Kindergarten and Hall, the following procedures have to be observed. Please note that the same evacuation procedures exist for all the sections. When one section of the College evacuates, ALL sections will follow.

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Main Building: There are three switches situated in the Main Building, one on each floor next to the staircase.

Middle & Senior School: There are two switches situated in the Middle School. One on each floor next to the staircase

Junior School: There are two switches situated in the Junior School. One on each floor next to the staircase

Kindergarten: KG1 Building - There is one switch situated in the corridor next to the yard.  KG2 / Nursery building: There is one switch situated on the ground floor between the Nursery classroom and the Activity Room.

Hall: There is one switch situated in the landing

When one of those switches is pressed to on position, siren/s of that particular building will go on. Once the siren/s of the building concerned is/are activated, staff/students of that building have to proceed to the relative Assembly Point. Teachers in the first evacuation zone (where the emergency first started) must designate a person to telephone/inform Bursar, Head of Sections, or Headmaster to notify of evacuation who will  then advise other sections. ALL other sirens are to be activated by senior or admin staff.

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In the cases of the Kindergarten and Junior School, the assembly area is located on the turfed lawn situated between the two schools clearly marked as ASSEMBLY POINT 1 and ASSEMBLY POINT 2 respectively.

The assembly area for Senior School students is located in the football ground between the chapel and the kindergarten play-area (the area with a concrete surface), clearly marked as ASSEMBLY POINT 3 and ASSEMBLY POINT 4.

In the case of Year 6 and Year 12 students / staff, these are to assemble in ASSEMBLY POINT 5 situated between the chapel and the kindergarten play-area (the area with a concrete surface).


  1. If a teacher becomes aware of fire in the College during a lesson it will be his/her responsibility to alert the rest of the school by activating the nearest siren only after evacuating students in the immediate area. This same teacher should notify colleagues in neighbouring classes to start evacuating.  In the case of a small fire that can be extinguished, do so only after students have been evacuated and ONLY if it is safe to do so
  2. Students should be calmly asked to exit the classroom and WALK in orderly lines to the relative assembly point. At this point the persons-in-charge (teachers, librarian or First Aider) have to make sure that all the pupils are accounted for. Any students who have been given permission to use the toilets have to proceed to the assembly point and make the person-in-charge aware of his presence.
  4. Teachers:
    1. Take your Attendance Books with you.
    2. Check that all students are out of the classroom.
    3. Check that all exits are clear.
    4. Close classroom door. DO NOT LOCK.  (entry may be required later.
  5. In the case of the Junior School students as well as the Year 7 & 8 students, the lines have to be organised according to classes. Year 9s, 10s and 11s students will line-up according to their Houses. Once the students are in the assembly area, class teachers or House Tutors will take the roll-call and account for each child. The Headmaster's Secretary will provide up-to-date class lists with clearly marked absent pupils. Missing students have to be reported immediately to the person-in-charge who will organise a search.
  6. Students remain in orderly and silent lines until the siren/s have been switched off



Students WALK to the assigned place on the yard where they meet their House Tutors who have to take the roll-call.



Teachers should be familiar with assembly areas and evacuation routes designated for particular classrooms or areas.

All School Personnel are to take part in Evacuation Drills

Parents, guests and community people on the grounds during a drill must also participate.

Adults are reminded that no talking is allowed.  Please be good role models for the students.


St Edward’s College focuses on the character building and development of its pupils. A model Edwardian is an all-rounder and is expected to excel in several fields.

It is for this reason that our boys are encouraged to participate in as many extracurricular activities as possible since we believe that a wholesome education consists of a well-balanced combination of academic, sportive and cultural activities.  

However it is impossible to offer all the aforementioned activities in the College’s packed timetable since the National Minimum Curriculum dictates the setting of a packed timetable.

We therefore offer a variety of break-time as well as after-school activities for boys of various ages in order to make their learning experience at St Edward’s both memorable and enjoyable.

Sports break-time activities which are organised and supervised by fully qualified and dedicated staff members include:

  • Basketball - we employ the current National Team coach;
  • Football - a variety of coaches coach our boys in this popular sport including former Bulgarian and local National Team players;
  • Rugby;
  • Judo - the sensei is a former National Team Coach;
  • Gym / Athletics.

In addition to the above, the Junior School boys are offered other break-time extra-curricular activities, some of which are designed to help them improve  their knowledge of certain academic subjects which they may find difficult:

  • Cooking - the medium of instruction is Maltese. This enables students to learn the practical aspects of their national language outside the traditional classroom setting;
  • Science Club - the aim of the club is to show students the fun side of science;
  • Chess.

Boys are given the option to participate in sports activities after-school hours. As with the break-time activities, after-school sports sessions are free of charge.

At this point in time we offer:

  • Tennis - for novice or advanced players;
  • Judo - aspiring Judokas can enter at any stage;
  • Rugby.

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The fundamental purpose for School Development Planning is to make it easier for our College to devise and implement our own strategies for school improvement and to enhance the highest possible level of effectiveness for every student to succeed.

The ethos of St. Edward's College is crucial to successful progress. We embrace a culture of self-belief and responsive attitudes to change. Positive attitudes towards students, the constant encouragement of them in all aspects of their College life and instilling in them the belief that they can achieve, all contribute to the raising of standards. The prime aim of the School Development Plan is to raise standards.

Our core business at St Edward's College is learning both for students and staff. It is, therefore, logical and correct that our School Development Plan (SDP) directs all its energies into the improvement ofteaching and learning in order that all students' attainment levels are raised and College's Mission Statement is achievedThe improvement of learning has its roots in the teaching staff's competencies. Again, it is, therefore, logical and correct that significant energy be put into developing competencies and assessing that development.

 The following are the main 'Key Areas' of our School development Plan (SDP)

  • School Ethos & Philosophy
  • School Climate
  • Curriculum & Organisation
  • Teaching & Learning
  • Good behaviour
  • Professional Development
  • Resources for learning
  • Assessment & Evaluation
  • Inclusion
  • Intercultural understanding

The School Development Plan incorporates a well defined vision to address three (3) fundamental goals:

  1. Creating a professional School culture based on collaboration (team building)
  2. Encouraging teacher development
  3. Helping teachers solve problems together more effectively - the idea of collegiality

The challenge for our community of learners is the understanding that to convert the vision into practice there must be a lateral development - all teachers giving and receiving help, in effect, building capacity and shared commitment, across the College ( Michael Fullan).

Gone are the days when boarding meant living in long, Spartan corridors packed with long rows of beds. St Edward’s boarding facilities offer boys and girls unparalleled levels of comfort, privacy and cost without compromising any of the benefits and values which are associated with more traditional boarding systems. The College’s strong commitment to pastoral care and character development reassures parents that their children will receive constant care and attention in a familiar environment which strikes the correct balance between academic excellence and fun.

Simply put, St Edward’s Boarding School offers a ‘home away from home’ on an island which is not just renowned for its safety and serenity but one which also offers high standards of education. It is also worthwhile to note that the majority of foreigners wishing to move to Malta will appreciate the fact that Maltese in general are competent speakers of English.

An important aspect of every international boarding school, especially one which is approved by the IBO to offer the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, is the fact that our boys and girls will learn to integrate with people of different nationalities and from all aspects of society. St Edward’s Boarding truly creates citizens of the world. 

Boarding for Boys (aged 13 – 18) and Girls (6th Formers only – aged 16-18)

The boarding section of St Edward’s College has been completely refurbish and redesigned. Boys who board at St Edward’s live in spacious and comfortable twin rooms which overlook the vast college grounds. Female boarders, between the age of sixteen and eighteen, live in a section of the College that is situated on the opposite side of the boys’ dorms in rooms that are significantly large and can comfortably accommodate up to three female Sixth Formers. All students have their own bed-side table, lockable full-sized wardrobe as well as ample work space with internet access. It is important to note that only students of similar ages will share units.

A spacious and comfortably furnished living area and cinema room, located just opposite the students’ bedrooms, provides a space in which students can wind-down and feel utterly at home after a day’s schooling. An exceptionally large and spacious games room, annexed to the cinema room, offers students an alternative to playing on the College’s extensive grounds which feature turf football pitches, volleyball, basketball and tennis courts. In early 2014, the College will also be opening a full state-of-the-art 8 lane track with a 9 - aside synthetic turf at its centre.

카톡 컨설팅 아이디 : Gcentre

한국 G센터는
St Edward's, St Martin's, CHS, Verdala International School 등

몰타 주요 학교들의  공식한국 입학처입니다.

일반문의 : info@Gcentre.net

입학등록문의 : enrol@Gcentre.net

카톡아이디 :  Gcentre

r your admission and consulting 

enrol@Gcentre.net | Kakao Talk ID : Gcentre

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문의전화 : 02 569 3153 / 070 7136 5005

카톡 ID : Gcentre 

Admission : enrol@Gcentre.net

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