카카오톡 상담 ID : Gcentre, Tel : 070 7010 3153, 이메일 : info@Gcentre.net
G센터는 전세계 주요 대학 컨설팅 및 어드미션 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다. 학교에 대한 정보는 아래의 학교 홈페이지, 구글, 페이스북, 유튜브 등의 링크를 통해 더욱 자세하게 나와 있으니 참고하시기 바랍니다.
The Royal
Academy of Dramatic Art
Academy of Dramatic Art 로열 아카데미 오브 드라마틱 아트)는 영국 런던에 있는 연극 학교이다. 통칭 RADA. 1904년에 연극 프로듀서 허버트 비어봄 트리에 의해 설립되었다. 3년제로, 배우와 무대 감독 양성 과정뿐만 아니라 관리와 무대 미술, 의상
등의 코스도있다. 또한, 여름만의 여름 학교와 쇼트 코스도
[About The Royal
Academy of Dramatic Art]
The Royal
Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA) offers vocational training for actors, stage
managers, directors, designers and technical stage craft specialists.
RADA was
established in 1904 and has built an outstanding reputation as a world-renowned
centre of excellence, offering the best possible facilities, exceptional
teaching and strong links with the industries that employ our graduates. RADA’s
student population is a diverse community, united by a shared passion for
theatre-making. The Academy prides itself both on the professional standard of
its student productions, which are attended by agents, casting directors and
theatre practitioners, and on their track-record of employment in theatre, film
and television.
Many of our most
celebrated graduates still play a very active part in RADA’s life. They
share our belief in the Academy’s need to retain close links with the
profession, keep our training relevant and remain open to all people with
exceptional talent.
Among the many
things which are distinctive to RADA is the extraordinary level of
personalisation throughout all the training – the skills of highly experienced
specialists are harnessed in providing a training tailored to the needs of each
individual student.
The course is
offered by Birkbeck College in collaboration with RADA. The courses taught at
RADA are designed to deepen and extend an awareness of drama and plays in
performance and encourage the students' own creative practice.
각 전공 및 프로그램 별 요구사항이 상이하므로, 각 전공 또는 College 웹페이지에서 확인하시기 바랍니다. 아래의 내용은 BA(HONS) in Acting의 경우이므로, 참고하시기 바랍니다.
Candidates must
have complete fluency in the English language.
The minimum age
for admission is 18.
You will need to
demonstrate an intellectual, creative and practical ability to undertake degree
level training.
[Program list]
costume making
and supervision
history of
music score
property making
and procurement
scenic art
construction (in wood and metal)
set design
sound production
and design
stage electrics
and lighting design
stage management
stagecraft and
technical management