카카오톡 상담 ID : Gcentre, Tel : 070 7010 3153, 이메일 : info@Gcentre.net
G센터는 전세계 주요 호텔 학교의 어드미션 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다. 학교에 대한 정보는 아래의 학교 홈페이지, 구글, 페이스북, 유튜브 등의 링크를 통해 더욱 자세하게 나와 있으니 참고하시기 바랍니다.
Les Roches International Hotel Management
레로쉬 국제호텔경영대학은 학생들이 대학생활을 통해 행동과 태도 그리고 서비스 정신이 자연스럽게 몸에 배일 수 있도록교육하며, 실무와 이론이 조화롭게 구성된 커리큘럼으로 호스피탈리티 산업 전반에 걸쳐 철저히 준비된 인재가 될 수 있도록 최고 수준의 교육을 제공합니다. 그리고 레로쉬는 실생활을 통한 전인적 교육방식으로 학생들의 개인적인 소양과 전문적인 능력을 함께 발전시켜서 졸업 후 성공적으로 업계로 진출할 수 있도록 교두보 역할을 충실히 수행하고 있습니다.
레로쉬는 호스피탈리티 서비스가 탁월한 수준이 될 수 있도록 세계 호스피탈리티 산업에 적극적으로 이바지하는 한편, 내일의 성공적인 리더를 배출하기 위해 학생들에게 직업적 능력과 경영자 정신 그리고 창조적 마인드를 향상시키기 위해 전념을 다하고 있습니다. 또한, 학생들에게 엄격한 프로정신을 가진 경영 관리자로서의 너그러움의 차이가 무엇이고 어떻게조화로울 수 있는지 가르칩니다. 학생들은 캠퍼스에서 생활하면서 향후 커리어 목표가 호텔경영 관련 분야이든, 외식업분야이든 혹은 여행 및 레저 분야이든간에 비즈니스에 대한 글로벌한 관점을 가질 수 있도록 견고히 기초를 다지게 됩니다.
About Les Roches Hotel Management
Les Roches is a hospitality school school founded in 1979. Approximately 1490 students from 97 different countries attend every semester, with an additional 580 students on internship around the world at any given time.
The École des Roches, an international boarding school for young people, was founded in 1954 by Messrs Marcel and Jean-Pierre Clivaz. In 1979, "Les Roches International School" became “Les Roches Hotel and Tourism School" and was the first hospitality school in Switzerland to offer all courses in English.
The main campus was virtually destroyed by a fire in April 1985. This obliged the school to house students and facilities in three hotels. In June 1987, the school moved into its new buildings. In November 2000, Les Roches became part of the group now known as Laureate Education Inc. who also manages Glion Institute of Higher Education. The school maintains close ties with the hotel and tourism industry through a panel of advisors from four major hotel chains.
Entry Requirements
Minimum Age - Normally 18 years old and above. Applicants can be under that age provided they are 18 years old by the time they start their first internship.
Education - A High School Diploma or equivalent.
Students must have completed (supported by an official Certificate / Diploma) at least six years (for the Diploma program) and at least 7 years (for the AD/ BBA program) of secondary education and provide evidence of it.
Complete information on the school, including school transcript and/or certificate of public examination (including an explanatory note of the grading system) should be provided.
English Qualification - If you are not a native English speaker, or if you have not spent the last 3 years in an English-taught school, please enclose one of the following:
TOEFL: minimum score of 500 points for the paper based test and 61 on the Internet Based Test (IBT). The TOEFL testing code number for Les Roches is 9827.
Cambridge First Certificate Exam (FCE): Grade C - Please also send the statement of results with your detailed profile.
IELTS : Academic Module minimum Overall Band Score of 5.0 and min 5.0 for each part (listening, reading, writing, speaking).
All English certificates must have been issued in the last 12 months prior to admission.
If you do not meet the above English language requirements, you have the possibility of registering on our Intensive English language program to acquire the entry English level.
Bachelor of Business Management in International Hotel Management: Alternating hands-on hospitality management courses, industry-relevant specializations in Spa & Health Management, Event Management, Marketing, Finance, Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Sustainability and Project Management, Culinary Business Management or Spa and Health Management.
Bachelor of Business Management in Global Hospitality Management
Hotel Management