글로벌유학컨설팅, 마이유학
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세인트 자일스 런던센트럴 센터

세인트자일스는 세계적인 명성의 그룹학교들에 속하면서도 장기코스 비용이 경제적으로 책정되어 있어서 장기신청자들에게 매우 인기가 높은 학교입니다. 또한 20교시만 신청해도 아이엘츠 시험반, 캠브리지 시험반으로 추가비용 없이 이동이 가능하다는 장점이 있습니다. 런던센트럴에서 런던의 활기찬 환경을 항시 느끼며 학업하기 원하는 분들을 무난하게 만족하실만한 학교입니다.

런던의 중심-대영박물관이 자리잡고 있는 홀본 지역에 위치하여 어느 지역으로도 이동이 용이하며 방과 후 런던을 즐기기에 최고의 위치입니다.

브라이튼이나 이스트본 센터와 함께 멀티센터로도 인기있는 센터입니다.

Central London English Language School

Our Learning Centre - experience life in London

  • Magnificent school located in the heart of the capital
  • Learn English in London, one of the world's great cities
  • Large, busy, friendly school
  • Option to live in the school building

Our London Central school occupies a magnificent building in the heart of fashionable Bloomsbury and is situated opposite Russell Square, a 5 minute walk to the world famous British Museum.

St Giles London Central is a large, lively centre with an international feel and is perfect for students looking to benefit from modern study facilities and enjoy everything that life in the capital has to offer.   

If you want to learn English in London, contact St Giles London.

어학원 등록문의

일반문의 : info@Gcentre.net

어학원 등록문의 : enrol@Gcentre.net

카톡아이디 :  Gcentre

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Courses Available at London Central:

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  • Library and Student Bookshop
  • Student Café
  • Roof Garden
  • Self-Access Centre
  • Interactive Whiteboards 
  • Free WiFi and broadband internet
  • Executive Platinum Centre and Lounge
  • Enhanced security
  • Onsite residential accommodation
  • Wheelchair accessible

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Min. Age16+ (21 for Platinum Courses)
Class SizeMaximum 12 (5 for Platinum Courses)
Free Wi-FI
Travel TimesGatwick - 60 minutes
Heathrow - 60 minutes
Homestay - 45 to 60 minutes
Residences - walking distance or on-site

Hotels - walking distance

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Further information

Under 18s at St Giles

Our London Central school can welcome students from the age of 16 and above. However it is primarily designed for those aged 18 and above, and we do not provide 24-hour supervision for those under 18. We ask that parents and guardians of all students under 18 read and understand our Under 18s guidelines before enrolling your child at our school. Please visit our Under 18s pages for these guidelines and more details.

Square Cafe

Click to view a sample menu for the Square Cafe. The Cafe offers a choice of hot meals, as well as cold dishes, for students each day for lunch. It also offers breakfast and dinner for students staying in the on-site residence.

Student Guide

Download the London Central Student Guide.

Medical Advice for Students

Download our medical advice for students at London Central.

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어학원 등록문의

일반문의 : info@Gcentre.net

어학원 등록문의 : enrol@Gcentre.net

카톡아이디 :  Gcentre

For your admission and consulting 

enrol@Gcentre.net | Kakao Talk ID : Gcentre

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문의전화 : 070 7136 5005

카톡 ID : Gcentre 

Admission : enrol@Gcentre.net