글로벌유학컨설팅, 마이유학
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Gcentre Notice

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Northern Arizona University 

Established in 1899, Northern Arizona University (NAU) is a prestigious public institution in Flagstaff, Arizona. Over 20,000 students attend the university in Flagstaff, and 7,400 students live on campus. NAU is well-known for its excellent academic programs and student-centered approach to higher education. Here, you will find the support you need to reach your goals: professors who encourage you to learn, exciting research opportunities, and career-building internships. 


Ms. Nancy Elizabeth Currey from NAU kindly visited Gcentre office in Seoul and had a pleasant conversation with the team. She kindly guided Gcentre team through on NAU programs and scholarship opportunities that International students could receive! 


Thank you Nancy for your kind information on the school and benefits. We look forward to working with you in the future!
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